Do you know what colors compliment your complexion, or what shapes of garments best suit your body type?

Would you like to dress in a way that expresses your authentic self?

You are one-of-a-kind, let's discover your specific style.

This process of self-discovery is unique

Firstly, we discuss what types of aesthetics you are drawn to. Don't worry if you can't articulate that, we go through a fun exercise to discover that about you together.

Then, we get into COLOR! We spend time going in depth with what colors best enhance the beauty of your skin and hair, along with expressing your true nature. 

Finally, we get into proportions and body shape to discover what shapes of garments with enhance your beauty. 

This is such a fun process and my clients leave feeling more confident about what clothing choices they should make to look and feel their best. 

From a client after discovering her Style Profile

"I’m antsy to learn more because it’s just fascinating to me and empowering in a way that I didn’t anticipate. There’s so much pressure to like just one style and I love that this analysis celebrates who people really are, not just what the trends are."

You’ll start your style journey with this session:


In this session we discover what colors, textures and patterns work best for your exact body type.

Book these sessions to continue enhancing your authentic style:


In this session you will learn how to more specifically apply your Personal Style Profile to your wardrobe.


Let's get into your closet! We'll put together outfits for you and find new homes for the clothes that are just not working.


If you'd like assistance with purchasing new items based on your personal style profile book this session.

If you're ready to express who you truly are and to look and feel like your most radiant self, schedule a consultation call below and we'll talk through the details!